Saturday, January 10, 2015

2 Dinners for 1

I got the best question from my mother-in-law about making dinner and dealing with a hubby who isn’t so keen on your new diet plan. So, this is what I told her I was doing about it. If you don’t want what I am cooking, you can fend for yourself. This is important to me and I am going to eat a salad with chicken for dinner, let me know if you want some!! This has happened probably 2 or 3 times. I have been tempted to make the fatty and carb loaded entrees that please everyone but me.  So, if you can find a good recipe that pleases them and keeps the nutrition plan on tract, you have hit the JACKPOT and need to go to Vegas. Here are some stories of me making a fancy clean meal that my husband didn't appreciate.
-          My kind, not his kind of SPAGHETTI. I love this! I use turkey and healthy marinara sauce. Then instead of pasta noodles, I make spaghetti squash and sprinkle a hint of fresh grated Parmesan cheese. Sounds amazing right? Well, my husband hated it and asked me never to do it again. Well next time I want to make this I am going to make it squash for me and noodles for him! Another example of 2 dinners for 1 instead of dinner for 2, but my eating plan is IMPORTANT!
-          MY MOM’s IS BETTER. Yes he said this. Sorry to give you the punch line first, but it’s the line no southern women with divine cooking skills ever wants to hear. I knew he loved beef stroganoff, so I made a recipe from a Tosca Rena eat clean book/magazine. Instead of ground beef, I used flank steak (thought that was an upgrade- was wrong). I used sour cream in moderation but instead of starch I used arrowroot. I also used a healthy noodle with whole wheat instead of regular egg noodles. And yes he said his mom’s was better- GRRRRR
-          TURKEY AGAIN! So what, it’s the best lean protein? TURKEY!!! In took weeks I have made turkey chili, turkey burgers 2x, and my favorite southwest turkey meat balls. For the last meal I make before my husband goes out of town, I make turkey burgers with potatoes and broccoli. Sounds so special that all we need are candles! Then to top that off, he complains they are too dry. His initial idea was Chinese, but I stuck to my guns and said nope turkey turkey turkey!!!! Maybe next time I can go for Chinese, but now I am a woman on a mission!

So what is a wife to do with a displeased hubby? If a healthier and fitter you makes you happy, then do not cave into the temptation. If your family isn't completely on board with a new eating lifestyle, then try to make something that you can add an easy substitute for yourself. Try to limit the junk snack food in the house and make ice cream and desserts something for a special meal out. Just remember and remind your other half “HAPPY WIFE HAPPY LIFE!” 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Most know me as a potentially crazy and well-motivated fitness professional. I had to start somewhere. No, I did not grow up addicted to fitness and I have been on the weight loss roller coaster the majority of my life. I created this blog to share my stories and hopefully to inform others about my options and decisions in go about making a change in lifestyle for the better. 

I hate, hate, hate pictures of me from age 5 to 15. I had bad teeth, knock off clothes, and most of the time I was a little heavy. That's what I hated the most, the weight. I played a lot of sports from gymnastics, to basketball, soccer, and my true love,softball. I fell in love with that sport because of the influence from watching the Atlanta Braves in the 90’s. The best team in the 90's One problem with softball is the lack of conditioning it provided. I was able to become a very talented player, but not an exceptional athlete. So what changed? My mom and I had experimented with diets from age 12-16 and I went from making progress to ultimate failure. Finally, at age 16 my friends started getting navel piercings and I wanted one too! Needing parental consent, I asked my mom and here came the spark! She told me I was too fat to get one. FINALLY THE TRUTH I NEEDED TO HEAR RIGHT?  Well, that definitely sparked the fire in my desire to change. Before you think my mom gave a poor choice in words, this finally got me on board with serious change. I decided to join weight watchers where I learned accountability, goal setting, recognition, and stability are keys to success.

Weight watchers taught me to count calories, but mainly the concept that has been around since the Paleo period. The ONLY way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THIS FACT PEOPLE. If you eat more than you burn, it goes to storage. Much like if you buy too much material items eventually you put it in a storage locker or end up on the show Hoarders- gross!

Special diets all have one thing in common, psychology. They are great tricksters at making you focus on something easy in order for you to reduce your calorie intake as a whole and increase your metabolic needs. Before you bananas, I will admit that having no pasta and bread is far more effective than limiting it to a particular calorie count.  BOTTOM LINE restriction from a particular group isn't always a necessity, but living in moderation with accountability is the definite key to success. More important than a particular diet and exercise plan is having a purpose and reaching a level of happiness with your purpose. When you join weight watchers, a gym, a workout class, a personal trainer, and my favorite TEAM BEACH BODY, the best deal you receive is a purpose, accountability, and support. So for your new year's resolutions and ongoing struggle all programs will work for someone. Find one that gives you the purpose you desire, the accountability to get you there, and the support that is necessary!